Dixie Vital Care, LLC. was established in 2011 to provide a comprehensive scope of high-quality parenteral and enteral therapies for stabilized patients in the home setting and our state-of-the-art ambulatory care Infusion suites.
We are the franchise of Vital Care which was established in 1986 and has a network of over seventy-five providers located throughout seven teen states., Vital Care is able to provide prompt service for patients. All services are centrally directed by Vital Care's Coordination Center to the Dixie Vital care. All services are rendered by Dixie Vital Care, assuring the highest quality of care, comfort and convenience to the patients and their families. This allows patients and their families' immediate access to the provider for questions and concerns regarding the prescribed therapy and treatment.
By utilization of highly professional staffs, response time for the initiation of therapies, changes of therapies, the evaluations of therapies, and/or the correction of difficulties with therapies is greatly reduced. Dixie Vital Care provides answers to patients' concerns and provides on-going monitoring on a clinical basis of patient therapies.
Dixie Vital Care professionals can coordinate the provision of any ancillary services required by the patients. As always, Dixie Vital Care will monitor all services provided for cost-effectiveness, professionalism, effectiveness of therapy, and quality of life.
Dixie Vital Care's provision of these services will relieve referral sources of the responsibility of coordination of all of the different services necessary for the proper provision of therapies.